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Our Sermons and Radio Plays

Here you will find sermons from Pastor Young as well as other messages along with our Radio Play episodes "Life in Hopewell" these messages are not intended as a replacement to being part of a faith community. This is simply another help in your faith walk and in the case of  our radio drama some family fun entertainment.

Monday's Manna

Here is the Monday’s Manna for this week.

On opening day of the 1954 baseball season, the Milwaukee Braves visited the Cincinnati Reds. Two rookies began their major league careers with that game. The Reds won 9-8 as Jim Greengrass hit four doubles in his first big-league game. A sensational debut for a young player with a made-for-baseball name!   The rookie starting in left field for the Milwaukee Braves went 0 for 5. Not much of a start for a young player named Henry Aaron.   

 What an interesting contrast. Jim Greengrass, who began with a great start, soon faded into obscurity. Henry "Hank" Aaron, whose beginning left much to be desired, went on to become one of the all-time greats of the game. This contrast points out a very important truth. It is not how you begin that makes the difference, but where you end up.

It is "staying power" that makes the difference.  

Beloved, the same is true in the Christian life. It matters little how your life with Jesus Christ began, whether at a conference, revival service or on a retreat. The difference is not what kind of beginning you had, but in how faithful you are. What kind of staying power do you have? Are you yet holding on? Are you walking with Jesus every day? Anyone can make a great start, but only the dedicated faithful ones have an impact in life.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race set out for us."     Hebrews 12:1

Serving until the King comes back,









Be Inspired
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